In a recent show at Providence’s AS220 Project Space Gallery, artist Gunnar Norquist exhibited tiles made from common cement, creating cool patterns from a material that can appear simultaneously hard and soft. Norquist describes the tiles in his artist statement: The tiles are made of cast Portland Cement. They... 

When it comes to outdoor dining, tabletop items tend to be of the plastic variety. But lately I’ve been making a conscious effort to stay away from plastics. After all, plastics are petroleum based and we’ve all seen how damaging our reliance on petroleum can be. Even as gorgeous as melamine can be, it’s... 

Over at Apartment Therapy Chicago we featured our own home in today’s house tour, but we wanted to give our Unplggd readers at a sneak peek at how we keep our DVD’s. Since we’ve been having a few computer problems lately, we haven’t gotten around to ditching our discs and converting them to... 

The fabric’s quality doesn’t catch my eye, but the added detail certainly does. Instead of a mere barrel cuff or overdone French cuffs, this chap opts for two-toned cocktail cuffs. Pairing black with white, and setting them off with a sole pearled button, the cuffs are neither subtle nor brash, but they... 


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