That is the question behind every customer decision.

“Why should I, as your potential customer, trust your service/product/organization?”

So as a business owner, your question to yourself should be;

“What can I do to improve my customer’s trust?”

At Flying Pig, we help our clients gain customer trust through many different pipelines, but focus on two:

1) Trust through Relationship Building

2) Trust through ‘Expert’ positioning

Let’s explore both of these a bit further

1) This is once again where the importance of building strategic relationships in the community you operate in are (and I use community as a broad term here- it could indicate geographic location, demographic, product niche, etc.). Your customers will instantly be more willing to trust you if they have heard about you from their neighbor, friend, uncle, etc. Go out into the community, make connections, help out others. As mentioned before, the more your customer see/hears/learns about you in a ‘non-sales’ position, the greater their level of trust will be of you.

2) Why do you trust a Doctor to help you when you are sick? Because you consider him an expert in the field. As a business owner you need to position yourself in the same manner. If you set yourself up as an expert in your field, your consumer will feel safer coming to you when in need of your expertise. Setting yourself up as an expert can be tricky and can be done in many ways. However you choose to accomplish this task, your main goal is to ‘teach’ your customer about your service/product/organization.

This method not only helps bring customers to you, but keeps them coming back. An informed consumer is a loyal and happy one. They leave a purchase feeling secure in their choice and as if through interacting with your business they have netted a substantial gain (in knowledge, product and overall sense of well being).

Take a few minutes and think about what you can do to help gain your customer’s trust.

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